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Let's Review Your Life

Let's Review Your Life

September 05, 2022

Life doesn’t stand still. Neither do your life insurance needs.

September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month so if you have a quote or policy and haven’t reviewed it lately, now may be a good time to do so. You may be surprised to discover that what worked for you then may not not meet your needs now.

Luckily, going over your life and matching it with your life insurance just takes a bit of thinking. And a little math.

Here is how to do a quick review to know what you need:

  • DIME - Use the DIME method to figure out your life insurance needs. Add Debt, ten years of Income, Mortgage payoff amount, and the cost of your children’s college Education.
  • Type of Life Insurance - Do you need term life insurance (life for a fixed amount of time), or whole life insurance, a policy that lasts your whole life?
  • Cost of Life Insurance - The price of a policy depends on your age, health, and the amount of coverage in the policy. There are many online calculators that can help.

These methods will give you a rough idea of what you need. But nothing can replace speaking with your trusted financial professional to get your life where it needs to go. Please reach out to me at [email protected] or to another member of our team at any time with questions.